Welcome to the Vitali-Tea Garden experience hosted by Nazani Tea for @nationalteaday!
The word ‘vitality’ comes from the Latin word vita, meaning life. In the 20th century, life became fast-paced, stressful and one of convenience. However, here at the Vitali-Tea Garden our focus will be on how to enhance your life with a healthy lifestyle and guide you through the new age of health and awareness.
For thousands of years herbal infusions have been drunk across the globe. Now more than ever individuals are turning to these healthier alternatives to unlock the many health benefits nature has to offer! At the Vitali-Tea Garden you’ll be able to learn about, sample and buy the purest herbal tisanes, steeped in hundreds, if not thousands of years of history, and enjoy the versatility of herbal infusions, through infused waters, iced teas, mocktails and more at @nazanitea ’s tea bar!
We also have the wonderful @louise_haskey, @imlancenewton and @loizou_pt on hand, who will not only be able to help you with inspiring wellness and lifestyle tips, but will also be holding openwork outs, yoga and stretching classes throughout the day.
All our work out classes are designed to:
• improve flexibility;
• increase muscle strength and tone, particularly your core;
• improve posture;
• increase lung capacity, circulation and concentration; and
• combat stress and aide relaxation.
Exercise and herbal teas go hand-in-hand to maximise these lifestyle changes through:
• hydration (especially during and after exercise);
• providing easily absorbable vitamins, minerals and nutrients (enhancing performance, recovery and body development); • purification and detoxification;
• enhancing the metabolism; and
• combating stress and aiding relaxation.
From energizing and restorative exercise to herbal provenance and life-enhancing health benefits, we are here to help. Come say hi to the Vitali-Tea Wellness team to help achieve your wellness goals!
Buy tickets and find out more here: www.nationalteaday.co.uk/vitali-tea-garden/