The Health Benefits of Living Caffeine-Free

There is nothing wrong with a caffeinated drink from time to time, but why is the caffeine-free lifestyle becoming more and more popular? 

One of the side effects of regular coffee drinking is that magnesium is flushed out of the system. Magnesium is vital for the absorption and activation of certain vitamins and minerals, therefore excessive consumption will cause deficiencies and overall weakening of the body. Caffeine can also interfere with the absorption of calcium and iron — two common deficiencies. 

If you are a caffeine lover, do not fear, as you can always supplement the necessary vitamins and minerals from tisanes such as Roasted Spring Oats or Roasted Spring BarleyCocoa Beans also provide a valuable source of magnesium – so just a few cups a day will help balance your magnesium, vitamin and mineral levels – health boosting chocolate, what more can you ask for!? 

Of course there are many benefits in lowering or giving up caffeine altogether. We’ve come up with a list of a few things you’ll notice if you go caffeine-free.

Better Sleep

The most common trap we fall into is drinking coffee throughout the entire day. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, disrupting or preventing sleep altogether. As a result, your body will not be able to detox and repair itself during a deep sleep. We know that coffee should not be drunk just before bedtime, research shows that caffeine can affect the nervous system for up to six hours after drinking. So although you won’t feel that stimulating effect, the brain and nervous system would not be able to switch off and rest during this period. 

Instead of caffeinated drinks in the evening, a cosy cup of herbal tea before bed will help you to relax and unwind, and as a result, fall asleep faster. Linden relieves anxiety, reduces inflammation and mimics GABA, a brain chemical that inhibits excitability in the human nervous system; lemon verbena and mountain mint are muscle relaxants, calming the body; chamomile is a muscle relaxant and contains apigenin, which also binds to the GABA receptors in the brain; and lavender reduces inflammation, relieves anxiety and interacts with the neurotransmitter GABA. Therefore, these relaxing and sleep inducing herbals make the perfect bedtime brew.

Better absorption of nutrients

If you’re going caffeine-free, your body may absorb more nutrients than those with a very high caffeine intake. The tannins in caffeine can affect the absorption of calcium, iron and vitamin B. One of the herbals that can help you to replenish your vitamins and minerals is the magical ancient Greek blend, Kykeon. To learn more about this magic ancient Greek blend, click here

Balanced feminine hormones

Oestrogen contributes to cognitive health, bone health, functioning of the cardiovascular system and other essential processes in our body. Women may especially benefit from going caffeine-free as caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks can affect oestrogen levels and worsen some of the symptoms of menopause. We recommend Wild Agnus Castus which may help to balance hormones. Some studies have shown that the use of Agnus Castus extract may also help with the symptoms of perimenopause (or menopause transition), the years leading up to menopause. The hormone balancing qualities of this herb make it ideal for counteracting hot flashes and other symptoms. It can also be combined with other herbs such as Lemon Verbena for maximum effect. To learn more about balancing hormones, click here. 

Balanced brain chemistry

Caffeine has an effect on our mood. There is a reason why so many of us need a cuppa before kick-off in the morning, this is perhaps a sign of an addiction. Researchers confirm that those of us who are addicted to caffeine are naturally low in catecholamines, chemicals found in the brain that support energy and alertness throughout the day. The moment that we take that first sip of coffee, caffeine quickly moves through the bloodstream and triggers the release of catecholamines, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. 

More sustained energy throughout the day

When you think of a pick-me-up, you think of a nice cup of coffee, right? While caffeine does provide a temporary burst of energy, most people will experience the energy crash which follows. The stimulating effects are temporary, but the crash can range from mild to severe, lasting anywhere from hours to a week, depending on individual factors. Chamomile is not known for its energy-boosting properties, but it can help focus the mind by reducing stress. It works by helping to suppress cortisol (known as the stress hormone) and boosts dopamine production (known as the happy hormone). 

Maturing well

How about if we tell you that consuming caffeine interferes with collagen by reducing collagen synthesis? Collagen is very important for our skin as it has a direct impact on appearance and elasticity. In a few words less caffeine less wrinkles. Mallow is an ideal tonic to moisturise the skin, thanks to the anti-inflammatory flavonoids, anthocyanins (what makes the infusion blue) and soothing viscous compounds present.  Also fabulous for acne-prone skin, mallow soothes irritations and supports treatment by moisturising and promoting circulation, thus supporting skin nourishment. Finally its antioxidant properties reduce the destructive effects of free radicals, which contribute, amongst others factors, to the appearance of spots and wrinkles on the skin.